
It's Wednesday night, a little after 9pm.  I thought I would say hello.

It's dark, cold and kinda miserable outside. Winter is less than a week old, yet it has already grabbed me sooner than most years. Am I becoming an old man?? (as I drink a cup of tea and type this).  Maybe. Maybe I am just tired :)

Autumn is my favourite time of the year, but this year I can't really remember much of it? It's a good thing that things have started to slow down a little at the moment. I will have some time to stand back, breath, and take a break. I am really looking forward to it. I have so many ideas, and things I want to achieve, but haven't had time. It's been a hectic first half of the year. Too many days gone too fast, which kind of freaks me out a little......

Below a few images from the past few months.....all black & white. Yep.

Anyway, I'm going to bed....early :)

I hope you are well.


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